Coming to Gabon

We connect people, emotions and happenings.


The story of the festival

From an idea to a success

It all started with the simple idea of wanting to highlight the strengths of Africa, while giving back to the local community.

Discussions of bringing together investors and cultural influencers around a concept of highlighting the potential of Africa started to develop.

This sparked the idea of creating a festival to promote the cultural and tourist heritage of Africa, while placing a focus on social actions. The festival Coming to Afrika was born.

the festival

Celebrating & Strengthening

A 360° marathon of exciting happenings characterizes the Coming to Gabon festival.


Can you feel the rythm already? Music is an integrated part of the festival, with live shows, DJ sets and music events at different locations. Stay tuned for the announcement of a range of African super stars performing during the festival!


Sports bring people together. Sports is also a social catalyst that drives development and inspire positive change. Different sports events, tournaments and trainings are organized locally and sports legends are invited to participate.


Discover all sorts of African culture at Coming to Gabon. The festival offers culinary experiences at the food festival and diverse types of entertainment like dance shows, club events, stand-up comedy and inter-cultural exchange.


One of the foundations of Coming to Gabon is to contribute to the local communities, and persons with needs of assistance. Donations are organized via sponsors and crowd-funging, while orphans and disabled are given the opportunity to participate in celebrations and meet celebrities.


Gabon has an extraordinary nature that attracts tourists from around the globe. The untouched beaches, the flourishing wildlife and the rich and diverse cultural traditions pave the way for expanded eco-tourism and niche tourism both regionally and globally.


Join top executives of some of finest companies and organisations, diplomats in charge of nations, together with innovative startups and creative entrepreneurs. Coming to Gabon gathers decision-makers for networking opportunities and discussions about digitalization and cooperation.

Become a partner

Link your brand with Coming to Gabon and position yourself towards a large and dynamic audience.

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We're in the process of bringing in partners for the upcoming festival. Get in touch to speak about new opportunities.

355 Template Street San Francisco, California 94110

+241 62 76 10 99